Flora Burgos is a romance author from the great state of Texas.
She found reading at a very tender age, devouring the bodice rippers of yore, long before she'd ever even had her first kiss (like wayyyyy before).
After an unconventional childhood and tons of travel, she is now a 30-something that steps to her own beat (and might be a little crazy). She has the heart of a gypsy, the soul of a dreamer (metaphorically, not literally!) and a deep and abiding obsession with the underdog and the season of Fall.
Her eclectic playlist contains everything from film scores to hip hop and country to hair bands with any and everything in between (and she shuffles-a lot).
She cusses like a sailor, is addicted to coffee and stormy weather, and loves her pitbull, hubby (of a bazillion years), and almost-teen son more than anything else in the world (even when they annoy her).
She spends her free time, when not reading or writing, in the kitchen or hanging outside with her boys (and studiously avoiding the overflowing laundry basket that is inevitably waiting for her).
Flora loves to hear from her readers so please feel free to email her, visit her website, or shoot her a message on any of her social media profiles!